Watch out for updates in the following areas over the weekend:
- QuickBooks Online: Export reference to invoice statement (optional setting)
- B2B: Display SKU in shopping cart as well as name
- B2B: Modify image order
- RMA orders marked as completed can be returned to ‘in progress’ status
- Shiptheory: Product description in Cin7 Core now maps to commodity description in Shiptheory, product short description now maps to commodity composition.
- Shiptheory: User printing
- Shiptheory: Select preferred carriers/services and show these first when selecting a carrier
- Walmart: Buffer inventory
- Shopify: Enable/disable loading historical sales and specify order lock date, when no sales/payments before can be synced
- Shopify: Map Cin7 Core price tier to Shopify “Compare at” price
- Fix: Purchase orders created from sales were pulling latest price regardless of settings
- Inventory reports: Hyperlinking added to take user from report to sale order, production order, product details, etc, now added to Product Reordering Report. Full release notes for this release will be available on 25th June 2023. Please note that this release notice is an estimate, and some items may be pushed back to a future release to assure quality and functionality.
Please do not hesitate to contact Cin7 Core support ( or WhatsApp) if you notice any errors or changes in functionality over the weekend due to the latest release.