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New Release – 10th October 2021

FEATURES: Backflushing method to issue components to production, Shopify stock level inventory buffer and more!

Feature 1: Issue components based on production output quantity (Backflushing method)

Impact area:

Production module


The backflushing method allows the issue of components during production based on the output quantity of the finished product. The finished product quantity is used to calculate the component quantities based proportionally on the bill of materials for one unit of finished product, plus any wastage specified in the BOM or generated during production. 

This method considerably facilitates and speeds up the production process when there is no need for accurate inventory control. Such an approach is useful for production with relatively small cycle durations, stable consumption of components, and large BOMs for which entering actual quantities is highly time consuming. 



More information:

Issue components based on production output quantity (Backflushing method)


Feature 2: Shopify – Add inventory buffer when updating store stock levels

Impact area:

Shopify Integration


Previously to this release, available quantities are pushed through to Shopify from DEAR without considering any inventory buffer of a product’s stock availability. Instead of showing actual inventory values in e-Commerce storefronts, many retailers prefer to display an estimated display quantity where there is a safe buffer stock on their backend to avoid overselling products. 

With this release, DEAR now allows for an inventory buffer on stock quantities pushed to Shopify, both for the whole channel and at the product level. This feature will be rolled out to our other integrated sales channels in the near future. 



More information:

Shopify Integration – Buffer Inventory


Feature 3: Shopify – Display stock levels dynamically

Impact area:

Shopify Integration


Currently, the Available stock column (Catalog and Bulk Listing tab) displays the stock availability across all locations, regardless of what is chosen for Location for online sales. With this release, we have made it more clear for users by giving this column a dynamic behaviour. 



When Shopify Location for online sales is set to a specific location, the column will be titled Sale location stock and will display stock level from that location only.

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