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A Look at Upkeep: Three Tips to Manage Your Warehouse Organization

Your warehouse organization requires periodic management and review. You can’t just craft the perfect layout and stick to it forever without running into a few obstacles on the way.

Fortunately, consistent inventory management upkeep isn’t difficult. It just takes a bit of patience. Below we cover three simple tips for keeping your warehouse nice and organized, from the ground floor to the backend system.

Establish a Routine

Consistent warehouse upkeep is not going to be at the front of your thoughts. So many other things are going to get in the way, and it is almost always easy to push off basic upkeep for another day- and another.

We recommend setting up a routine day of the week or month to cover upkeep. You could do it every Tuesday, you could do it once a month, you could separate different tasks across a few days. Regardless of your method, the important thing is you stick to it. Prioritize it in your schedule. Set aside time for regular reviews and don’t let something else get in the way if you can realistically avoid it.


Take time to organize your warehouse by functionality. This is a pivotal part of warehouse management and upkeep. Functionality refers to the basic idea that the warehouse is doing its job to the right degree. Are things efficient? Can you find items in an appropriate time?

Functionality refers to placement, width of aisles, height, and much more. A common example is shelf placement. You should spend time putting your top-ticket items between waist and shoulder height. You should also have a convenient place to put damaged goods.

Always take some time to review your warehouse with functionality in mind. Does it do its job and is it efficient? Upkeep is a whole lot more than cleaning. You can periodically review the space for trouble spots and places where the functionality isn’t up to par.


A checklist is one of the easiest ways to stay on top of important inventory management upkeep. Also, it is the cleanest and simplest tool for task management and allocation. Finally, checklist is instantly scalable. Simply add another page!

Of course, many warehouse managers already have a checklist. But active utilization is so important. If you don’t hold workers accountable and stick to the checklist, it loses its power and use.

Below are some tasks you can add to start your own checklist today.

A check list serves a few functions. For one, it allows you to put on paper all the small and big things involved with upkeep. Two, it allows you to mark responsibility and easily assign tasks to different warehouse members. You can also instantly track progress.

Upkeep does not need to be difficult. With the top three quick tips, you can begin setting things in motion. Establish a consistent routine and stick with it. Focus on functionality, making sure every aspect of your warehouse is working at a high level. Finally, create a systemic checklist to stay organized and track responsibilities.

Our inventory management software can really help ease your frustrations and get your inventory where it needs to be. Contact us for more details and help on organizing your most precious business resource.

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