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New Release – 16th October 2022

Feature 1: Notifications for RMA and return order events

Impact area:

Automation module, sales module


An RMA (return merchandise authorisation) is a numbered authorisation provided by a merchant to permit the return of a product to receive a refund, replacement, or repair during the eligible period. The RMA module in DEAR allows you to configure your organisation’s return policies, which are then used to streamline returns decision-making and automate much of the returns workflow. Our RMA module is currently in beta and is regularly updated and improved by the DEAR development team.

In this release we have added automated notifications for RMA actions, RMA notifications can now be sent automatically upon certain events. Please see documentation for details.



More information:



Feature 2: Native integration with Pinch Payments

Impact area:

New integration


Pinch payments lets you automatically take direct debit and credit card payments for your one-off and recurring invoices. Previously to this release, DEAR allowed integration with Pinch Payments via our API interface, with this release DEAR has developed a native integration with Pinch. Customers can enter their card details and make payments through Pinch Payments secure portal, while the payment is immediately reconciled with Xero.



More information:

Pinch Payments


Feature 3: Select quantity produced when auto-assemblies are triggered from sale orders

Impact area:

Sales module, assembly module


Currently, when auto-assemblies are triggered from sales the quantity assembled is the same as the quantity required by the sale order. With this release, a setting has been added to allow users to select different quantity values depending on organization stock levels.



This setting can be found in the Sale process customisation section of General settings.

Available options are:

More information:

General settings – sale process customisation

Finished goods assembly – automatic assembly


Feature 4: Make adding a sales rep mandatory in POS

Impact area:

POS application, sales module


With this release, users can make adding a sales representative mandatory for POS sales. Sales will not be processed if no sales rep has been added.



More information:

Setting up DEAR POS – Basics – User permissions

Using POS – Basics – Add a customer to a sale


Feature 5: Allow users to see average cost on POS sales register

Impact area:

POS application


Previously to this release, POS users could view item value however it was not easily visible when adding products to a sale. Our customers told us that they would like to see this displayed to make sure that any discounts given do not exceed their profit margins. With this release, a this information is now shown on the sales register to users who have the Can see item value permission.



More information:

Setting up DEAR POS – Basics – User permissions


Feature 6: Add customer email for LoyaltyLion when adding customer to a POS sale

Impact area:

POS application, LoyaltyLion integrations


When using LoyaltyLion, customers must have an email address in order to earn loyalty points from a sale. Currently, when a customer does not have an email address listed a warning will be displayed, with this release, DEAR has added the option of adding the email address directly from the warning message without stopping the flow of the sale. No further user action is required.


More information:

LoyaltyLion integration for POS


Feature 7: Advanced manufacturing – Different work centres can be colour-coded on the scheduler

Impact area:

Advanced Manufacturing module


Work centres define the area where a production operation takes place within the business (for example, a specific workshop, room or section of the shop floor). The main goals of the scheduler is to create a schedule for production and provide transparency for the production process so that the user always knows what should be produced and when it should be completed. With this release, users can colour-code work centres to make their scheduler display easier to follow.



More information:

Work Centres 


Feature 8: Advanced manufacturing – Display component availability after production consumption in MES

Impact area:

Advanced Manufacturing module, MES application


Currently, when scanning components from a specific batch in MES for use in production, batch availability is not displayed. This sometimes leads to small amounts of a batch being left unused which is not optimal for manufacturing workflows.

With this release, scanning a component will display the component and batch availability after consumption. This value will change dynamically with how much is to be consumed, specified by the Actual Quantity field.



This feature is only applicable to MES application.

Note: Left in stock field is for information purposes only to notify a user if the batch amount left is insignificant and can be included in consumption.

More information:

DEAR – Manufacturing Execution System (MES) – Consume components

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