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New Release – 14th MARCH 2021

New Feature

Feature 1: Production module API support

Impact area: Production module, DEAR API

Introduction: DEAR allows its users to run activities via its API. Production module functions including BOM creation, setting the factory calendar, processing production orders, etc can now be automated via the DEAR API.


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Feature 2: HubSpot – Invoice authorisation date passed to HubSpot as deal creation date

Impact area: HubSpot module

Introduction: Previously to this release, sales in DEAR linked to deals in HubSpot were linked by their sale status and deal stage. The invoice authorisation date/deal creation date were not synchronised. Invoice Authorisation Date has now been added to the list of DEAR fields that can be linked with HubSpot.



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Feature 3: HubSpot – Multi-currency support

Impact area: HubSpot integration

Introduction: Previously, DEAR did not include the currency of a sale when exporting it to HubSpot which caused errors for users with multiple DEAR stores in different currencies. With this release, multi-currency support has been added, currency information is exported during the sale and the issue has been resolved.



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Feature 4: Amazon: Export detailed shipment tracking information to meet new Amazon requirements

Impact area: Amazon integration

Introduction: Amazon is planning the following changes to the shipment confirmation process for seller-fulfilled orders:

With this release, DEAR has updated its shipment tracking information export in order to meet these new Amazon requirements and improve the delivery experience for customers.



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